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José Sande Lemos & Vitor Cardoso in the list of top scientific careers

Oct. 26, 2022

CENTRA members José Sande Lemos and Vitor Cardoso appear in the Stanford's list of top most influential scientific careers.

This list is taken from a major study by Stanford University where a career-long impact evaluation is done to select the top 2% most influential scientists in the world. The study takes into account the overall value of each individual opus with emphasis in the number of citations as a metrics for its scientific impact.

The appearance of two CENTRA members in this list of the most prominent researchers in the world displays the high quality of the scientific production and the prestige of CENTRA researchers in astrophysics and gravitation.

See also the IST site in Portuguese https://tecnico.ulisboa.pt/pt/noticias/campus-e-comunidade/93-cientistas-do-tecnico-nas-listas-de-stanford/ or In English https://tecnico.ulisboa.pt/en/news/campus-community/more-than-150-tecnico-scientists-are-included-in-the-stanford-universitys-lists/. See also Satndford's database site published by Elsevier https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4.